Aresline armchairs are designed to be equipped with Multimedia systems. The power cables are integrated into the structure of the chair.


We are the only Italian company offering a 7-year warranty on our products.
For information on the certificates available on the series: Quality and Environment.


Pôle Universitaire L. de Vinci, Paris, France
The University's lecture hall has been equipped with armchairs and desks featuring integrated technology.

Sala Abbascià, Rome Confcommercio, Italy
A targeted solution for the multimedia conference room, with customised chairs and desks.

Palais du Pharo, Marseille, France
Two set-ups with appropriate solutions for the high-tech parliament hall and the conference centre hall.

Salle X UNESCO, Paris, France
Complete renovation of the General Council Chamber, featuring ergonomic armchairs and seating with integrated technology.

Parliament of Georgia, Kutaisi, Georgia
A solution for the national parliament hall with curved terrace seating and press seats.
FAO, Rome, Italy
A multimedia centre, built for large assemblies, equipped with customised seats and integrated technology.

University of Eastern Piedmont, Perrone Campus, Novara, Italy
Outfitting of Hall C with customised bench seats and desks, all with integrated technology for a new concept of the lecture hall.

Musiktheater, Linz, Austria
Study and realisation of 23 seating models to ensure perfect acoustics in this theatre designed by Terry Pawson.