Fondazione Carichieti



  • A lightweight and elegant furnishings for the auditorium and the multifunctional room, with Metropolitan and Papillon.
  • Naxos and Jolly have been chosen to furnish the other areas.


Palazzo de Majo



Chieti, Italy


End use

Auditorium, multi-purpose hall



Arch. Carlo Mezzetti


Supplied seats



Supplied products

Metropolitan, Papillon, Naxos, Jolly


Year of completion


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Palazzo De Majo, which dates back to the sixteenth century, has undergone numerous architectural transformations over the course of the years. The restoration project was thus inspired by its Layout and multifunctional design and aimed to fulfil the need to redevelop and revitalise the entire historic centre of the city of Chieti, making it an important Civic Centre  Museum. Even the interior work was dictated by precise design choices in the adaptation of the building, which preserves strong historical connotations, to the new needs of spatial distribution. This important setting, which also hosted Victor Emmanuel II on his journey to Teano, required lightweight and elegant furnishings for the auditorium and the multifunctional room, which Metropolitan and Papillon designs respectively provided, while in the other areas Millennium, Naxos and Jolly were used. 

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