AUK - American University of Kuwait



  • continuous collaboration and consultation with the client and architects
  • design and development of a customised acoustic project


American University of Kuwait (AUK)



Salmiya, Kuwait


End use

Conference room / Theatre


Set up surface

290 square metres for seating

370 square metres of acoustic panelling


Supplied seats

400 seats Eidos

24 seats Royale

370 sqm Fonology sound-absorbing


Supplied products

Eidos, Royale, Fonology sound-absorbing


Year of completion


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The American University of Kuwait (AUK) is an American-style private university established in 2003.

Aresline outfitted the university’s auditorium with about 400 seats, after careful study of the best model and distribution to use.

The project’s most distinctive feature is its acoustics: the configuration of the Fonology sound-absorbing panelling, on a design created by the architects, required very careful planning. Strategic surveys were carried out on site with laser scanners in order to faithfully reproduce every surface, particularly the prismatic ones.

Installed products

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